I've been struggling along for the last twelve months trying to pick up the banjo basics from books (Tim Jumper - How to Play the Banjo) and online resources such as Patrick Costello's video workshops on You Tube and his Daily Frail workshops on the Tangier Sound blog. I think I've made quite a bit of progress on my own, but you just can't question something you don't get the hang of with a book or a video.
I've stared to realise from playing with other people that I'm OK if we play something I know, the way I know it, but if we play in another key I'm lost. I know there's a lot I don't know. So I've been looking for a teacher for a while, but there aren't that many in North Yorkshire. A few people recomended Stan Gee - see links.
Stan's the master of the strings, and loves American folk and country. He's blowing my mind at the moment with chromatic scales, modes and the structure of the major scales, but I'm sure in the long run it'll do me good. I'll keep you posted...
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