Sunday 4 October 2009

back to basics

Paul's been in touch again and has been over to Tangier Sound. He liked the fact that Patrick makes learning to play seem like fun, and it should be, after all if you don't get a kick out of it, why bother?
Learning the basics and practicing can be long hours of frustration if it's not going right but eventually it does -little by little.
I don't know if you got to the frailing lesson one, Paul but if you didn't here it is again, and it's what it's all based on. Work on this and the rest will fall into place, eventually!

Patrick makes it seem easy, but to begin with for many people - me included - the frailing bump-ditty rhythm can sound very mechanical. It's just a matter of practice and time, keep going and it'll eventually become a single unconscious action. The act of down picking with the back of your nail can seem a very awkward method, and to begin with I followed Tim Jumper's suggestion of up-picking with the index finger and strumming with the back of the middle finger, until I'd got a sense of the timing. It does make sense to frail with the back of your finger nail eventually as its easier to really pick up speed in your playing if your hand only has to repeat a single action rather than two. Keep on frailing....

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