Sunday 11 July 2010

Come Over to the Dark Side

I think I'm being seduced by the dark side! It took less than 10 minutes to fit the acoustic pickups. The Leem kit has a handy little bracket which attached to the tail piece and would fit under the strap pin on most instruments, which gives you a firm and reasonably discrete mount for the jack plug.

I immediately went next door and robbed a neighbors child of their practice amp and away we go. With a bit of twiddling I managed to get a fairly clean sound, but the best bit is that to play louder you don't have to play harder!

I've recorded a bit of audio. I haven't been thrashing it to see what it sounds like at heavy metal levels as I don't want to destroy someone else's amp, but it is tempting!

1 comment:

  1. Noooooooooo! Don't do it!-come back to us young Skywalker-we know the Dark Side is attractive but you will become Sith
    Hey it sounds so good-it's all going misty...
