Friday 13 January 2012

Meqnine - Touchiat Zidane Banjo Solo

Touchiat Zidane Banjo Solo (mp3)
I've been thinking about new stuff for the blog this year and one of the irregular posts I think I'll be doing is 'Banjo Highlights of Audio Boo'!

Audio Boo is the sound equivalent of YouTube and its got loads of banjo related material, so maybe once in a while I'll feature some. The first of these is, Meqnine, an Algerian who posts banjo solos which I'm quite taken with. I don't really have any idea of the cultural context for this music but that whats great about music is that it's a universal language and you don't need to know - it helps, but you don't need to know. So if anyone can fill me in on Algerian banjo music I'd love to hear from you.

There is a element of the banjo which is quite primitive and the 'drum on a stick' links instruments like the cumbus, akonting and shamisen, although the music they produce is far from primitive. It's the great thing about the internet its out there you just have to find it.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this-Africa meets Scotland with a twist!
