Thursday 4 June 2009

Don't Stop... the Clawhammer

The S Club 7 song as you never imagined it... on banjo. Thanks to MC Clawhammer.

The sound recording is a bit rough, but don't look at the quality feel the width.

Thanks MC?!??!!!?


  1. needs a bit of lagerphone if you ask me.

  2. needs a bit of lager! but i'm happy to supply ju-ju stick at the next practice session.

  3. I imagine the performance to be enhanced by picturing Rachel Stevens doing a hillbilly dance alongside!!

  4. My daughter thinks I`m farting when the cheap WAV recording thing I`ve got does that wonderful blarting noise, should anything louder than a mouse getting a hard on need to be recorded. NBB, this is the equipment I recorded the nephrons on, of a tape being played in me car. I bet Phil Spectors cacking himself. Actually, he probably is.

  5. Well I think its a great version! Youve managed to take all of the fun and happiness out of a fairly poo pop song and gave it some.....??? ....banjo-air-of melancholy.MCC you are finding your "voice"!
