Saturday 17 October 2009

Country Blues

I haven't tried any alternative tunings on the banjo yet, but Stephen's tab for Dock Boggs' Country Blues, which he posted on Tangier Sound, has inspired me to give it a try. I get a bit fed up of some banjo players who are constantly re-tuning, but Stephens's tab sounds great and as it is related to one of the tunes that got me wanting to play the banjo, I thought I'd give it a try. The tab is set out for gCGCC which must be Treble C (or something weird), or Double C tuning gCGCD.

Been a bit sick the last couple of days, so the audio version will follow soon. Until then here's Stephen and Jim Pankey doing 'Country Blues'.

1 comment:

  1. Andy, who's this guy? He gets a really good sound out of that banjo. I recognise that tune, didnt that guy who we saw at the Sage do a version of this? I think your version is sounding great and your playing is being shown off by the new Banjo!! I had a quick go at this tune on guitar and I think we should have a go at it at the next acoustic jam. I saw MC Clawhammer today and he's itchin for a jam. Give us you availability and lets get playing!! Carlos theJackal
